What is the most expensive city in the world? - letsdiskuss
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What is the most expensive city in the world?


Army constable | Posted on

As indicated by the Economist Intelligence Unit's yearly Worldwide Cost of Living Report, following are the Top 5 Expensive Cities of the World in 2019:-
Singapore (No.1)
Since 2014, Singapore is reliably held the positioning of themost costly city of the world to live. It have increased 116 Index Points. In Singapore, normal cost of 1 kg portion of Bread costs $ 3.71, 1 jug table wine (750 ml) costs $23.68 and 1 liter unleaded petroleum costs $1.56.
Paris (No.2)
The Capital of France that is Paris is among the Top 10 most costly urban communities of the world since 2003. It is the second most costly city with Index Points of 112 and have moved 5 positions upward in contrast with a year ago. In Paris, normal cost of 1 kg portion of Bread costs $ 6.33, 1 jug table wine (750 ml) costs $11.90 and 1 liter unleaded petroleum costs $1.77.
Zurich (No.3)
Zurich the city of Switzerland is the third most costly city of the world with 112 Index Points and have moved 1 position up from a year ago rundown. In Zurich, normal cost of 1 kg portion of Bread costs $ 5.31, 1 container table wine (750 ml) costs $15.89 and 1 liter unleaded petroleum costs $1.68.
Hong Kong (No.4)
Hong Kong is an independent domain, and previous British state, in south eastern China. It is the Fourth most costly city with 111 Index focuses and have moved 2 position down in most recent one year. In Hong Kong, normal cost of 1 kg portion of Bread costs $ 4.16, 1 container table wine (750 ml) costs $16.16 and 1 liter unleaded petroleum costs $1.68.
Oslo (No.5)
Oslo, the capital of Norway, sits on the nation's southern coast at the top of the Oslofjord. It is the Fifth most costly city of the world with 107 Index Points and have increased 6 positions from a year ago list.In Oslo, normal cost of 1 kg portion of Bread costs $ 5.52, 1 jug table wine (750 ml) costs $13.70 and 1 liter unleaded petroleum costs $2.02.



Blogger | Posted on

It's Hong kong