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Manish Lamrod

@letsuser | Posted on | Science-Technology

What is the progress of science and technology in India?


Marketing Manager | Posted on

India's relations with Science and Technologies have been friendly since ancient times. If we look at the scientific and technological development in India historically, we can pride ourselves in having given one of the ancient civilizations in the history of humankind -Indus Valley civilization.

India, also has in its bag the world's oldest university in Takshila and Nalanda University, which hosted plethora of scientific researches. Moreover, it was for the construction of sacrificial altars that geometry originated in India, and no one can forget India's contribution in giving Zero to the world. We can also not forget the astronomical achievements of Aryabhatta, who was the first to put forth the idea of rotation of Earth.

For medical knowledge, India's ancient text, Atharvaveda, is no less than a Bible. "Charaka and Sushruta Samhitas, the two great works on Ayurveda, the science of life, describe the medical and surgical practices used in India some 2.500 years ago."


India has much to boast about in the field of science and technology. It was India which amalgamated spirituality with scientific knowledge in Yoga and it was India which used to integrate religion with science once.

Post independence, India saw the deployment of technology helping it various ways such as in metallurgy for industries, the Green Revolution for agriculture, invention of medicines and the ocean development.


Even though in Modern times, India is far behind the technological giants like the USA and China, it still has its share of developments happening in a slow and steady pace. Listed here are the most recent contributions of India to the development of Science and Technology, that speak for themselves quite well (Courtesy:


> At present, India is one of the most fascinating destinations for technology transactions in the world and it is ranked among the top five.

> India is ranked among the top ten nations in terms of the number of scientific publications.

> The DRDO, i.e., the Defense Research and Development Organization has tied up with Snecma, a French engine maker to develop the Gas Turbine and Research Establishment (GTRE); the GTRE will improve the performance of the Kaveri engines.

> IRNSS – 1G is the seventh navigation satellite and it will reduce the country’s dependency on US Global Positioning System.

> The Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology of the Government of India has now become the second country outside of Europe to have joined the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).


Blogger | Posted on

They have something we could have to learn from them:

Space technology.

Defense industry.



Nuclear research.

IT soft-ware.

Green science.


They have been going so far now. Just remember, they had just launched at least 104 satellites into the space without a problem, showing how successful India is.

Their progress is really wonderful though.


IT Company | Posted on

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) assumes a crucial job in the advancement of science and innovation in India.

DST has an immense obligation, for example, toward one side, it advances top of the line look into and improvement of front line innovations; then again, it gives specialized ranges of abilities and fundamental advances to the ordinary citizens.

Give us now a chance to talk about a couple of actualities in the field of Science and innovation in IT technology.

At present, India is a standout amongst the most entrancing goals for innovation exchanges on the planet and it is positioned among the best five.

At present, around 27 satellites (out of which 11 encourage the correspondence system to the nation) are dynamic and in activities.

Besides, India is positioned among the main ten countries as far as the quantity of logical productions.

According to the report of the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), the examination business of India is required to contact about USD 16 billion by 2015 from the current USD 2 billion.


tech moon | Posted on

Science and Technology sector has seen some spark in the recent years and has a bright prospect in future. Gross expenditure in the R&D sector has been increasing in absolute terms but the share of funds as a percentage of GDP remains a concern (0.69%) if we compare it with countries like Israel (4.3%), US (2.3%) and China (2.1%).

This abysmal number for R&D is due to the disconnect between teaching and research activities in India. While India has some of the finest institutions in natural sciences, they aren't actively engaged in research activities. Indian universities have restricted themselves to the activity of teaching while the burden of research has fallen on the government institutions like CSIR, ICMR, ICAR, DRDO, ISRO etc.

On account of this acute disconnect, the number of people who are interested to take up research activities is poor although their number in absolute terms is rising.

Secondly, there has been a significant rise in the number of publications in non-peer reviewed paid journals and India is leading the list with 30% of all such publications. But, these publications have poor citation value and so there's very little to celebrate here.

Thirdly, India has become the world’s 7th largest patent-filing office. But, it still has a huge backlog of patent applications which needs to be taken care of.

Government’s engagement:

Government has come up with a lot of initiatives to boost up the S&T sector-

Missions like National Mission on Mathematics, Dark Matter, Genomics, Agriculture, Supercomputing, Energy Storage System etc.

INSPIRE: offers a lucrative fellowship to NRIs.

VAJRA: invites faculties from other countries to take up research projects in India.

SWAYAM: provides open platform for learning for a number of courses.

SERB-DIA: Awards to reward distinguished researchers.

SHRI: Science and Heritage Research Initiative

KIRAN: to promote women scientists for research work.

Startups are being promoted with Startup India scheme and Make In India vision.

Put summarily, Science and Technology sector has a bright prospect in coming years as the government is trying to leverage its resources to boost the R&D ecosystem in the country.


Student | Posted on

They have something we could have to learn from them:

Space technology.

Defense industry.



Nuclear research.

IT soft-ware.

Green science.


They have been going so far now. Just remember, they had just launched at least 104 satellites into the space without a problem, showing how successful India is.

Their progress is really wonderful though.

Technology Moon


@letsuser | Posted on

There are three parts of science and innovation. One is making of new information, that occurs through research. The second is spreading the learning, which is through educating and the third is utilization of information, that occurs through industry.

India positions twelfth in research, though USA and China rank first and second. When we see high effect investigate, India estimates 1/fifteenth of USA and 1/seventh of China. See a few information here: India is certainly not a torchbearer in forefront explore. Once more, the quantity of beneficial specialists in India are just 27000, when contrasted with 1/seventeenth of US and 1/seventh of China.


| Posted on

India is growing digital with the help of science and technologies, inventing new things to develop India in various fields to make everyone's day to day life easy and it is an important part of India that will always be here. Technology helps us in areas such as Space Technology, Defense mechanism, Nuclear research, Education, Health, bio-technology etc. For more interesting topics on technology visit TechnologyMoon to get more ideas on what technology is upto.


student | Posted on

Modern India has had a strong focus on science and technology, realising that it is a key element of economic growth. India is among the topmost countries in the world in the field of scientific research, positioned as one of the top five nations in the field of space exploration.