What is your definition of good health? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

@letsuser | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is your definition of good health?


student | Posted on


Health is our primary concern. A good health can make a person happy and his life delightful. Good health refers to the better mental, physical and social condition. A person is said to be healthy if all these three states are good. Good health can be obtained by taking a balanced diet, regular exercise, reducing stress, taking care to high blood pressure and diabetes, and many more. Monitor your body time to time by doctor.


translator | Posted on

If a person appears happy and contented he is in a good frame of mind.Good mental ,physical and social life is considered to be the three criteria to calculate the health and well being of a human being .Eating enough food and getting good sleep of 6 to 8 hours are sign of good health.Having energy and stamina throughout the day and not getting tired after any work is also a good sign.


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