What measures should we take on Holi to get peace and prosperity? - letsdiskuss
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Vikas joshi

Sales Executive in ICICI Bank | Posted on | Astrology

What measures should we take on Holi to get peace and prosperity?


Marketing Manager | Posted on

Holi, this year, will fall on 21st March and one day before it, will come Holika Dehan, the day when we burn Holi. So it is on the night of Holika Dehan that you can take some measures to ensure peace and prosperity on this important Hindu festival.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: NDTV Khabar)

For this, follow the given measures:

• Sprinkle the ashes of Holika Dehan in your home. It will chase away the negative energy.

• Make a pendant of the ashes of Holika Dehan and wear it as a necklace. It will make you get rid of negative thoughts.

• Offering this ash to the idol of Lord Shiva rectifies any dosh that may be there in your horoscope.

• All the family members should massage their limbs with the mustard oil on the night of Holika Dehan. It is advantageous.