blogger | Posted on | Health-beauty
Fashion enthusiast | Posted on
Women are often considered as the “mysterious sex”, and rightly so. Various studies and theories point out to the fact that you can never win a woman fully, which means, she will never tell you each and everything going on in her heart and mind. There will always be a part of her which would be impossible for you to get hold of.
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blogger | Posted on
How little things like hairy legs are sometimes a turn-on
How they ignore loads of sexist comments thrown their way everyday- ‘I'll teach the kid math, I'm the man here’, ‘it's okay, most women are bad drivers in general, so don't worry about your driving', and so on.
Sometimes, just SOMETIMES, when they ask you if the dress looks good on them, or if they look too fat, they want you to be honest.
They pleasure themselves too. In the most surprising ways.
If they've had any hots for you, even if you're ‘just their friend’, they'd think of you while they pleasure themselves.
They'd almost never let a guy see them digging their nose! :P
If good friends with the ex, they wouldn't tell him about all the one night stands or brief romantic adventures they've had after their breakup.
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