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Hafiz Muhammad

Experienced Guest Blogger at Fiverr | Posted on | Health-beauty

What type of exercises can strengthen your core?


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Exercise is a very initial part of one's life. Every individual should practice it daily to maintain its health and body. Some exercises you should practice daily to strengthen your core are:-


Russian twist: - it an exercise which reduces love handles. It actually works on the lower abdomen. It flattens your stomach and strengthens your core. You can try it on a mat or bench. You can also use dumbbells to for muscles work out.

Crunches: - crunches are best and mostly done exercise. It is to get abs and strengthen your core muscles. It tightens the muscles and makes your body fit and healthy. Crunches include various types like reverse crunch, vertical leg crunch etc.

Sit-ups:- sit ups are for beginners. It is one of the usual exercises which helps to strengthen your whole body muscles from the abdomen to thighs. Practice it daily for good health.