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Jessy Chandra

Fashion enthusiast | Posted on | Science-Technology

What were the most popular searches in the last 20 years on Google?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Google completes its 20 years of existence. Here’s how it looked back in 1998:

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Business Insider)

Say what you may on all that’s wrong with it and the privacy issues comes with it, the idea (and existence) of Google could possibly be one of the most revolutionizing ones of this millennium.

Oh, what would we do without Google search? Who would the teens ask, “how to kiss for the first time” and who would the grown-ups share “how to be a leader in office”!!!

To commemorate this auspicious occasion, the company released a video Google Doodle that highlights some of the popular Google searches in the past 2 decades. Check the video:

In the beginning, many people searched for “what is Google”. Following came the scare of Y2K that led people frantically ask, “what will happen on Y2K”.

• In 2002, people looked for “what’s the most popular sport in the world?”
• In 2004, searchers wondered, “is it a leap year?”
• In 2005, people wanted to dance. So, they searched “how do you dance?”
• In 2009, love spiraled, and lovers went fancy. They looked for “translate ‘love’”
• Concerned, in 2011, people looked for “profecia maya2012” (that Mayan prophecy, remember?)
• In 2013, selfies made a splash. Grownups tried to keep up with “What’s a selfie” search.
• In 2016, everyone wondered “when do the summer games begin?”
• In 2017, people asked Google to “show me pictures of cuter animals”.

Now note, these aren’t necessarily the “most popular Google searches” of that particular year.

(Courtesy: Google)

You can check Google Trends to find the most popular searches on Google in different categories. Under movies, in 2001, “Harry Potter” reigned. “Nokia” was the king among consumer brands. In 2017, “IT” garnered the most attention, and “iPhone 8” was the most searched under ‘consumer tech’ head.
In 2013, the most searched person was Nelson Mandela and Paul Walker. In 2010, Justin Bieber and Katy Perry took the highest attention.

Check out the whole data on Google Trends here

If I were to guess the most popular searches on Google in the past 20 years, some of it would definitely include 9/11, Great Recession, Barack Obama, Facebook, ISIS, Michael Jackson death, Steve Jobs and iPhone, Amazon, Eminem, WWE, Harry Potter, Super Bowl, Lionel Messi, and Angela Merkel.

(Courtesy: Google)

Of course, there could be plenty more topics, events, and individuals. But these are the ones that I think are the most popular searches on Google over the past 20 years.