Who is best friend country of india and why please explain?? - letsdiskuss
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Kuldeep Giri

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Who is best friend country of india and why please explain??


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Historically speaking, Russia has been the best best friend of India. For instance, during the Kargil War, when the USA was supporting Pakistan, it was Russia who stood forward with India.

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Even till this day, the diplomatic ties between India and Russia are quite good. And it has always been evident in the countless meetings that PM Modi has had with Russian President Vladimir Putin till now. In their speeches, Modi and Putin have reiterated that both the countries are good friends to each other. They support each other economically on multitude levels. They have walked side-by-side on international forums, supporting each other on many issues.
The very recent example of the friendship between the two countries is India’s plan to purchase Russian missiles even when it risks getting US sanctions.
So, Russia has always been the best friend of India. However, the global and diplomatic dynamics have changed an awful lot in the past decade, which has certainly put minor brakes in the relationship between India and Russia.
For instance, Russia has been put on a pedestal many times for human rights cases. Russia’s stance in Syria war brought its leadership a wide criticism. Its influence in US election that brought Republicans in power is still hotly debated and criticized. The unregulated and unmeasured nuclear growth in Russia is another worry to the international community. Its history with Ukraine has always been a blot to its glory.
These are issues that India never spoke about—or against, as the global community expects from the fastest emerging economy. On moral grounds, it has failed to support Russia as a friend.
Similarly, even Russia has side-lined itself on international forums to support India on key issues like Kashmir, Pakistan, women oppression, and unfree media.
So, in recent times, India and Russia haven’t been that good of a friend that they once were to each other. Yet, the relationship stands strong comparing to bond both countries share with different nations.
Aside from Russia, Japan has always been a very good friend of India. Both countries support each other on many grounds. Canada is nice to India—however, it has never shied away to criticize India, when needed, on important issues.
best-friend-of-india-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: The Indian Express)
During Obama rule, when Manmohan Singh was in office, India and USA managed to build a strong relationship. However, since Trump’s arrival, that tie is now showing signs of breaks.
best-friend-of-india-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Zimbio)
Aside from these countries, India does share a good relationship with many nations—big or small. However, the mentioned ones are its best friends.