Who was better, Stephen Hawking’s or Abdul Kalam? - letsdiskuss
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Akash Verma

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Who was better, Stephen Hawking’s or Abdul Kalam?


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The comparison between Abdul Kalam and Stephen Hawking?? How can there even be the remotest comparison between two legends whose works are like sky and land. In respective fields, they both contributed phenomenally.

Abdul Kalam was an engineer with practicality at the top of his agendas. In his ideas and actions, he was practical. Stephen Hawking was a physicist, a visionary who dreamed and stretched beyond the conventional boundaries.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: The Week)

Abdul Kalam played a pivotal role in ISRO, as a project director, in developing India’s first indigenous satellite launch vehicle (SLV-III), which injected Rohini satellite in earth’s orbit in 1980. Also, after two decades in ISRO, as Chief Executive, he contributed greatly in developing indigenous guided missiles at Defence Research and Development Organisation. Reports suggest that Abdul Kalam was a key figure in inspiring ISRO to pursue missions to Marks and Moon. Of course, following that he had an incredible stint as President of India. Throughout, in one way or another, he stayed connected to education.

On the other hand, Stephen Hawking is considered to be one of the greatest physicists in the world. He made the path-breaking discovery that black holes emit radiation, which further helped hundreds of scientists around the world to do better research on the black hole. In addition, he has contributed a great deal in the field of cosmology, general relativity and quantum gravity. We’re closer than ever in knowing how this universe came into being, on what date and under what circumstances. And a lot of credit for that goes to Stephen Hawking.


Abdul Kalam can teach us a lot about humility, modesty and respect. Stephen Hawking showcases how to never give up and always stand true to your passion regardless of the situation you’re in.

Abdul Kamal and Stephen Hawking are two very distinct personalities. You simply cannot compare them. And I am not even trying to be politically correct here.


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Abdul Kalam