Why is Elephant’s photo or statue considered lucky? - letsdiskuss
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Amayra Badoni

Student (Delhi University) | Posted on | Astrology

Why is Elephant’s photo or statue considered lucky?


Astrologer,Shiv shakti Jyotish Kendra | Posted on

As per common knowledge, elephant is considered as the form of Lord Ganesha. When Lord Shiva cut Ganesha’s head off, he was given the head of elephant in its place. With the elephant’s head, Ganesha also received a boon, that without worshipping him before any Pooja, no pooja would be successful in bearing fruits.

By keeping the photograph or statue of elephant in home or in office, the negative energy keeps away, and positive energy surrounds you all the time. There is always the environment of peace and happiness in home.
A statue elephant with its truck downwards, brings tranquility in the family. And if you keep a statue of elephant with its trunk upwards, it brings wealth.
Keeping an elephant’s statue or photograph in bedroom, it improves your relationship and reduces the fights between husband and wife.
Keeping it in children’s room makes children respectful and obedient. It will have positive impact on their studies as well, as elephant is considered as the most intelligent animal of all.
If you want to have a child, keep a photo of seven elephants in your room.
For prosperity in business, keep a photo of elephant towards north of the office.
Translated from Hindi by team LetsDiskuss