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Navdeep Singh

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Why it is Important to learn a foreign language?


Works at Buy and Sell Websites and Domain Names | Posted on

It can come in handy sometimes. Also, it depicts your learning curve. Though it'd be better to choose the language you wanna learn carefully, like it should have some purpose in your life and not just learning it to impress people around you; trust me, i have met people like that... With a foreign language, getting in touch with the locals becomes easier. There are other advantages too but choose the language you're gonna learn properly, otherwise you'd just be wasting your time :)


Thinker | Posted on

Being a humanities student, I think one should learn as many languages as possible. Learning multiple languages does not only help you in better communication in different foreign lands, but they also increase your knowledge of the particular cultures associated with languages, thus making you culturally very rich. Being introduced to the literature of multiple languages is another perk that you get when you learn some foreign language.


Hindi is my mother tongue and I learnt English in school. Along with these two languages, I learnt French and Urdu as well. Knowing four languages for me means being able to see a thing from four different cultural angles, which makes me superior whenever I am with a group of people.

Apart from this, learning foreign language also increase your career prospects to a great degree. Keep in mind that if you start learning a foreign language from an early age, you’d become a master of the language by the time you turn into a job-seeking youth. You will develop a good command over the language with great communication skills.