Why robots will build the cities of the future? - letsdiskuss
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malik Seo

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Why robots will build the cities of the future?


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#RobotsOfFuture #RoboticsInConstruction #RobotsBuildingCities

Robotics has become the new normal for most of the industries now. Construction industry is shedding its image as the least automated sector in the age of the digital. Robots are taking over the construction sector in countries like Japan and the US. In most of the countries, young generation is distancing themselves from construction jobs and for this reason, a huge share of the workforce is aged. Replacing them with robots, will rid companies of the hardships to hunt for young labour force as well as help save time and cost. In terms of efficiency, robots fare better than humans; because they are 'willing' to work 24x7!

According to a study by consultants QY Research, the construction robot market will more than double in size to $420m by 2025 from $200m in 2017, globally.

One area that will benefit the most from 5G will be construction robotics. Faster networks will make robots to co-ordinate more effectively.

By understanding the potential of this, many companies have started to develop robots which can be deployed on a commercial basis for works including masonry. For example, Tokyo's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology has built a robot which can install plasterboard partitions. New York-based Construction Robotics has developed robot which can lay bricks.

They are faster, more organizer, cost-effective than humans. They never feels fatigue and do not complain about wage or argue over leave rejected. Once these robots are up and running, there is not much reason for companies to turn their back on them.


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Recently Japan’s biggest construction company stated that more than one third of their labour are at the age group of more than 54 years who are eventually nearing the retirements. Also, the same company has stated that they have only 10% of the labours with the age group of less than 30 years. The analysis states that most of the japans largest companies face the same problem and may result in the jobs being replaced by the Robots. But at the same time, some works need human attention and cant be handled by robots.


Not only in japan, but also in other countries, the machineries and the robots are being increasing in the industries when compared to the intake of the humans. Nowadays companies prefer to go for robots rather than hiring an candidate, the reason is that robots are capable of doing more work and also the deployment cost also less when compared to hiring the humans. But not all the works can be replaced by robots, there are certain jobs which needs the human attention to rectify. Thus coming to the conclusion we can estimate that certain percentage of jobs can be replaced by robots and machineries, but not all!