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Gajendra Singh

@letsuser | Posted on | Education

why such theory knowledge its more provided then pratical knowledge


Assistant professor ( Finance & Marketing) & Admission Councellor | Posted on

Hello Gajender

Well dear both the knowledge is important part of life . One cannot survive without the other here are some reason why theory knowledge is more provided than the practical knowledge:-

  1. Theory makes you understands the technique which you can apply in practical knowledge.
  2. It often leads to deeper understanding of the concept through seeing the context as a whole.
  3. understnding the theory concept prepares you to make the strategy for your practical knowledge

let's say when a house is build its blueprint is made similarly while implementing anything practical you make a blue print with ( 4W 1H) when , why, where, withwhome & how which can be possible if you are aware of the theoretical knowledge.

Since both compliment each other and I would say both are nessary for each other they work best togather.