Net Qualified (A.U.) | Posted on | others
Net Qualified (A.U.) | Posted on
For as long as 50,000 years, Bharat flourished as an apex of human civilisation, however some place, some way or another, things changed.
Trespassers became Kashmiris, also, Kashmiris became displaced people.
Europeans got more well off and scholarly, also, Indians got more unfortunate and beggers.
Backstabbers become regulators also, loyalists became crooks
Fear based oppressors become activists, and social laborers what's more, warriors become persecutors.
Changes become common, what's more, reconversion gets public.
Yoga gets logical, be that as it may, yogis become informal.
Settlement gets comprehensive, what's more, "Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas" gets fundamentalist.
Thus, for your country demonstration now and figure out how to be proud
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