In how much time interval does bike needs servicing? - letsdiskuss
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Ram kumar

Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on | others

In how much time interval does bike needs servicing?


Blogger | Posted on

Let the 1st three free services be done according to the manual, thoese have validity. I too own a 200ns it is going to reach 20k odo reading. I use motul 7100 oil only i cange it regularly in 2.5-3k kms. After the 3 free services itdepends on yr bike condition. I usually give it every 2000-2500


kms, and only when some majour repair comes. I changed my chain and chain sporket around 17k kms and my clutchplates around 18.5k kms. Aprat from that there was no major replairs i met with. My job used be only with chain service and water wash even the oil i changed it myelf .


Engineer at KW Group | Posted on

Just like humans, bikes also need proper care. Just like we need timely food and exercising, our bike also needs timely servicing. With proper care and service, your bike can serve you for long.


Generally, a bike needs servicing in between 3000-4000 kilometers. But it is for a new bike. If your bike is old and you do a lot of travelling by it, you’d need to get it serviced after every 1500 kilometers. This is because, with the old bikes, the parts are wearied and have greater friction, and because of this Engine Oil is exhausted more. Be it an old bike or a new bike, there shouldn’t be a gap of more than 90 days in servicing.

You should be very clear about the parts and problems of your bike. Even the slight problem or a small unwanted sound should be reported, so that the problem is solved in the initial stage only. This saves you from the bigger problems and the bigger expenditure.


Blogging | Posted on

Most motorcycles specify to get your first service completed at 1,000km or within three months of purchasing your bike, followed by a service at 6,000kms or 6 months from your first service. From that point on it's every 6,000kms or at 6 month intervals.