Is there any pattern change in CBSE 12 Board exam? - letsdiskuss
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Lina Carner

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Is there any pattern change in CBSE 12 Board exam?


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CBSE has made a few changes in English question paper pattern for this year’s Class 12 board exam, which is scheduled to begin in February.

These changes are quite welcoming, brought about to make English question paper more time friendly.

Letsdiskuss(Courtesy: YouTube)

So, if you struggle to complete the questions within the stipulated time, you’re going to love what CBSE has done.

Foremost, the total number of questions in the Class 12 board exam English paper has been reduced from 40 to 35. Instead of three passages, now you will have only two passages.

Passage One will have 5 MCQs, 9 very short answer type questions, and 3 short answer type question.

Passage Two will have 2 long answer type questions.

Section A will have 19 questions, attributing a total of 30 marks.

cbse-12-letsdiskuss(Courtesy: Times Now)

These changes are introduced after deliberate thinking and multiple meetings of various stakeholders, including Committee of Courses of the Board.

Again, these changes are quite thoughtful and welcoming All the CBSE students who will be appearing for class 12board exam, they are assured to love this.