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Ruchika Dutta

Teacher | Posted on | Entertainment

What are the best melodies of Violinist Balabhaskar?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

It’s so sad and extremely painful to see such a young talent as Violinist Balabhaskar leave. Just in a moment, what was a happy family with a 2-year old girl, it all ended.

Letsdiskuss (courtesy: Press Free Journal)

While Balabhaskar has many hits on his name, there are few that I will always remember. One of his best melodies comes in Ninakkai Deva from Aadyamai. There’s a whole different level of peace in this song. Listen to it:

Another one of my favorites is Urangan Nee. The feels are real…

Again, there are many melodies by Violinist Balabhaskar that will last in one’s memories for very long. With a legacy that he leaves behind in just 40 years, it’s phenomenal and an inspiration for those who believe in creating touching music even when the mainstream isn’t very favorable to it.
May he rest in peace!!!