As psychologists believe, abuse is more a matter of opportunity than that of preferentiality. In almost all of the child sexual abuse cases, child is a surrogate for an unavailable adult. Abuse, sometimes also represents the need or desire of the victimizer to dominate and control another human being.
Keeping this in mind, the abusers in concern can be of three types. One, who are essentially sexually attracted to children and are known as Pedophiles; two, who do it to fulfill their unattended sexual desires in the absence of an adult sexual partner; and three, those who are more inclined to satisfy their need of domination and control over someone than their sexual desires.
If we talk about the first kind, we have to acknowledge that all pedophiles are not sex offenders, that is, they find children sexually attractive but do nothing to satisfy their desires. But there are other kind of pedophiles who think differently. According to them, being a major, it’s their right to access and control the body of a minor in whatever way they like to. Some don’t think the consent is necessary in the case of children (despite all the laws, their psychology work differently and sometimes it’s dysfunctional).
The latter case is also the case of the third kind of child sex abusers and more than often they are adult males. Being male, and being an adult, they think they have right to access the bodies of all the minors. It’s not like females are not there among the offenders and with women, their own personal experience work as an influencer. Their own subjugation and struggles with male domination creates a desire of being a master in their mind and children are the easiest for women to control.
The second type of offenders are quite obvious and understandable. They just focus on their sexual gratifications and train their mind to think that such an activity is okay to do.