Can you get in shape by just walking? - letsdiskuss
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Rick Jaiswal

Student | Posted on | Health-beauty

Can you get in shape by just walking?


Student | Posted on

In my point of view, Most adults don't get enough exercise, but getting in shape has an abundance of mental and physical health benefits. ... In some ways, walking is the perfect exercise, as it's accessible, easy, and free. By walking just 30 minutes a day, you can significantly transform your health.


| Posted on


My answer is no because you have to maintain your diet as well. If you enough exercise but you are not having a proper meal you must take then I am very sure on it you could not come in good shape.


translator | Posted on

Walking is the best form of exercise which anyone can do.Brisk walking help us to burn calories and keep heart healthy.daily walking for 40-45 minutes in a day is the best form to keep one fit and healthy.Walking is helpful in reducing blood pressure,diabetes,cholesterol and reduce body stiffness and pain in the joints.

Walking can be done anywhere and it doesn't cost any money.Walking helps to meet and make friends on the go.brisk walking helps to improve the immune systems and helps the body fight infections.



Self Employed | Posted on

Walking is a kind of exercise. Walking for a little everyday is important for everyone. It provides us several health benefits. Walking contributes much to being fit, and it helps to get in shape to some extent. But only walking is not enough to have a good figure. For this you have to get some exercise. You can also adopt yoga. If you exercise regularly, and also maintain walking or morning walk, your body will be fit and in proper shape.
