How are Lord Krishna’s teachings relevant in this time? - letsdiskuss
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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | Education

How are Lord Krishna’s teachings relevant in this time?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Lord Krishna’s teachings weren’t time-centric – they were meant for humans! And no matter how “advanced” we’vebecome today, we are still the same in thoughts and feelings.

So, literally, each of his teachings still holds just as much value and relevancy even till this day.

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Throughout his life, he said and did things that were meant to inspire others to become a better person and live a happier life.

• He once said that those who can sacrifice their desires and greed can attain peace. Back in the days, people would chase power. Today, we’re chasing money in the garb of success. To attain peace of mind and that feeling of fulfilling-ness, we must sacrifice our desires and greed.

• Lord Krishna said many things on death. He would always imply that death is a part of life. It’s just as important as getting born. He would tell to not grief the loss of life of others but to embrace it as a fact of nature.

• He would tell to not be afraid of anything. The hypotheticals and things out of imaginations are really hypotheticals and things out of imagination – they will never happen in reality. And those things that are a reality, they are a reality already and cannot be changed. So, what’s the point of fearing the reality!

• He would tell that our mind/brain is our best friend and fiercest enemy. Meaning, everything that happens in life is just a matter of perspective. If you have the right perspective, you will see everything in good light. If you carry a pessimistic mindset, you will see even the best things negatively.

• He once said that fulfillment in life comes from finding the purpose of life. If you have found a work that you genuinely enjoy and love, you will feel extremely fulfilled.

There are many other Lord Krishna’s teachings.
Lord krishna (Courtesy: Gallerist)
As you can see, all his wisdom still apply today.
In fact, all the motivational speakers that you find today, they say the same things, in different words, that Lord Krishna once said. Of course, they aren’t copying him.
The fact is simple: Lord Krishna never taught anything that was out of ordinary. He would tell things that are true to life; true to humans in general.
What he said back then still applies today. And what we say today would still apply during his days.