How e-cigarettes are low risk compared to regular cigarettes? - letsdiskuss
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Jasjit Singh

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How e-cigarettes are low risk compared to regular cigarettes?


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E-cigarettes or vapes are more in trend than traditional cigarettes. The functioning of e-cigarettes involves an e-liquid which is heated to a temperature so high that it starts producing an aerosol. The e-liquids used in e-cigarettes also contain flavorings and humectants.

Now it is said that the flavorings and humectants used in e-cigarettes are approved by the Food and Drug Administration of oral consumption. There is, however, still a lack of research regarding the inhalation of these compounds and how safe it is.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: CBS News)

JUUL is one such e-cigarette, the creator of which claim that the nicotine salt used in the e-liquids increases the amount of nicotine getting delivered to the blood. So we can’t say that the risk is lower in the case of vapes. In addition, the aerosol present in them has tiny chemical particles which can be harmful for consumption.

Many argue that there are e-cigarettes which function on the technique of just heating and not burning the tobacco. Further, the use of propylene glycol makes these smoking devices less harmful. Still, there is no surety that these devices can be entirely free of harmful chemicals and toxins.

According to a 2015 survey, of all the adult smokers, 30.8% were of the opinion that e-cigarettes are as harmful as the conventional cigarettes while 4.3% maintain that e-cigarettes are more harmful. This takes into account the fact that there are some who take to dual smoking and consume both types of cigarettes, causing double harm to themselves.

Referring to the stats further, 36% of the adult smokers thought that e-cigarettes were less harmful than conventional cigarettes, and the rest don’t even know about the adverse effects of these devices.