How the sacrifice of daughters in the desire of sons related to superstition? - letsdiskuss
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Brijesh Mishra

Businessman | Posted on | Astrology

How the sacrifice of daughters in the desire of sons related to superstition?


Student | Posted on

“We should dump her before she gets a name”,” I don’t want a girl,she will be a burden”.Since time immemorial we have all heard sexist sayings in favor of a male child. It’s saddening how this all sometimes start even before the birth of a girl child.It’s hypocritical of our society to on one side worship goddesses and celebrate their heroic feats and celebrate festivals like Ashthami as per the hindu religion.But,on the other side,they do not hesitate to kill a girl even before she sees the light of the day.India has been the hub for superstitions like these and has had the highest female infanticide among other countries like China.Such is their mindset that they considers girls a burden and boys are identified as the bread earner, who’d help them eke out a living but what they forget sadly is how a girl is equally capable to do that.What people fail to acknowledge is how they are depriving not only themselves but the whole world of a potential genius by their heinous actions.It’s disheartening that this idea of male superiority has been so etched in everybody’s mind that this all still happens amidst all the wonders happening like people landing on moon etc.We all need to join hands and transform mindsets or we won’t ever move forward if half of our population is being murdered in wombs.