How to cope up with stress and anxiety? - letsdiskuss
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Dhawani Singh

Student | Posted on | Health-beauty

How to cope up with stress and anxiety?


homemaker.blogger | Posted on

Our routine life is full of challenges that causes strong and overwhelming emotions in us, which is known as stress and when our body naturally respond to stress, it becomes anxiety. They are very natural and unavoidable in today’s dynamic world. Every person has different factors in their life that become the reason of their stress and anxiety, identifying them and coping with them is very important as they adversely affect our mind and body. Some common ways to cope with stress and anxiety are;

1) Avoid negative thoughts and maintain a positive attitude- keep all the negative thoughts and people away from you and make efforts to replace them with positive ones. Accept the thing that you can’t change.
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2) Practice Yoga, meditation, Exercising and deep breathing- Take a deep breath, it will relax your nerves. Practicing yoga, meditation, exercises daily and listening to music, take a spa massage or other relaxation techniques help keep stress at bay.
3) Take care of your body and indulge in things you love- Eat well balanced and healthy food, never skip your meals. Get enough sleep and limit intake of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. Sometimes avoiding things help cope with it, indulge yourself in the things you love like travelling, watching movies, reading books, gardening etc. Social media proved one of the best sources to cope with stress during COVID-19 pandemic.
4) Connect with your loved ones- Talk with the people you love and trust about your concerns and feelings and pour your heart out. If this doesn’t work out, take professional help from some counselor or therapist.
5) Write down your thoughts that make you anxious and worried, this will also calm your head.
These coping techniques are helpful but if they don’t help you completely take professional help immediately.


| Posted on

Coping with stress and anxiety requires a combination of self-care strategies and professional assistance. Here's how to navigate these challenges:

  • Self-Care Practices: Engage in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to manage stress. Regular exercise boosts mood and reduces anxiety. Prioritize sleep, maintain a balanced diet, and limit caffeine and alcohol intake.
  • Mindfulness: Practice staying present and observing your thoughts without judgment. Mindfulness can help break the cycle of anxious rumination.
  • Positive Self-Talk: Challenge negative thoughts with rational ones. Replace self-criticism with self-compassion and kindness.
  • Time Management: Organize tasks and break them into smaller steps. Setting realistic goals reduces overwhelm.
  • Social Support: Connect with friends, family, or support groups. Sharing your feelings can provide emotional relief.
  • Professional Help: If stress and anxiety become overwhelming, seek assistance from mental health professionals. For residents of Chennai dealing with depression or OCD, consider consulting Dr. Radhika Murugesan’s Care. They specialize in depression and OCD treatment, offering expert guidance and tailored therapies.



consultant | Posted on

It is well said that an empty mind is a devils workshop. When we sit idle we keep on thinking about so many things. Keep oneself engaged in the productive activities helps to reduce stress level. Listening to positive music also helps to sooth mind and give relief from stress.


consultant | Posted on

It is well said that an empty mind is a devil's workshop. Keeping oneself busy with the productive activities is the best thing to cope up with stress and anxiety.