How to Keep Google From Owning Your Online Life? - letsdiskuss
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piyush agraval

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How to Keep Google From Owning Your Online Life?


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The usage of mobile phones has been increased due to the Internet. Recently in India, due to the cheap data charges, all the people started using smart phones and several applications like Google, Facebook, Whatsapp in their day to day life. Even in the recent time people started buying products in online rather than visiting the store physically. Though the growth of internet and the other online sources has lots of advantages. It has some drawbacks which the users should get rid of.


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Using the Google or mobile phone for long time will lead to some cause several health issues. You can reduce the usage of Google. Though it’s a valid need for many causes. You can avoid using the Google when you are using it for entertainment purposes like playing online games, watching movies, etc. You can use Google only when you really need some information about anything or if you are looking to buy any products online. This will automatically reduce the online usage and will help you to save yourself from the several health issues. So evaluate the usage of Google in daily day to day life and try to use less.