List out the spices with health benefits - letsdiskuss
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List out the spices with health benefits


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Spices are the special ingredients that are added while preparing a meal to make the meal more delicious and spice it up.

There are several types of spices available in the market carrying unique taste and flavors.
Also, there is much spice with health benefits:
1. Turmeric powder
Turmeric has a substance called curcumin, which is essential for a healthy body.
Curcumin can repair stem cells of the brain. Stem cells can help recover neurodegenerative diseases.
2. Salt
Sodium in salt regulates the flow of the water in your body, which is important for a healthy nervous system
Salt therapy is a process that can treat the respiratory system
3. Cumin Powder
Drinking jeera water can help you in getting rid of acidity and bloating.
Cumin can also boost the metabolism of the body
4. Ginger
Ginger is an easy solution for morning sickness in pregnant women
It has a component like gingerols and shaogals, which is a perfect aid for a common cold.