What are the five ways of predicting the future? - letsdiskuss
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Rahul Mehra

System Analyst (Wipro) | Posted on | Astrology

What are the five ways of predicting the future?


Acharya in Vedic Astrology | Posted on

As mentioned is the ways to predict anyone's future but vedic astrology is the best way to get accurate readings. In vedic astrology predictions, we get our future forecast according to the planetary transits in the horoscope.


Content Writer | Posted on

People try many different ways to know about the future. Some rely on horoscopes and fortune-telling, while some even hope for a scientific revolution which may develop a time machine and land them straight into the future. Some try palmistry and some go by numerology.

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Given below are some of these steps:

1. To foretell the future, one should be well versed in horoscope reading, red book knowledge, numerology, Nadi astrology, palmistry, the planetary motions, Chinese astrology, and Vedic astrology.

2. Giving importance to your thoughts is very important to know about your future. If you pay attention to the thoughts that hit your mind the whole day, you can train the mind to predict the future for yourself.

3. Astrology encompasses the skill of telepathy. Astrologers use this skill to foretell the future. It is by the skill of telepathy that inventions like the telephone and television were possible. If you are able to decipher the thoughts of someone without them even saying a word, it is known as Telepathy.

4. Some people have the special ability to tell someone’s future just by looking into their eyes. These people can interpret the future happenings of their own lives as well.

5. Some people use the pattern of people’s lives to tell their future. They observe how a person goes about his life and foretell everything about them.


Student | Posted on

There is a wealth of free information that can help you learn to live life the best way you know how. There are many different channels and sources of knowledge and growth that can switch your perspective on life, helping you to get more out of it, spend less time worrying about things you cannot fix or control, or make better decisions in difficult situations.

You might not be able to stop taking it so seriously altogether (that would be great though!), but these five ways will make sure that you are living your most fulfilling and happy life.

1) Meditative mindfulness practice- Mindfulness is a form of meditation where one focuses on the present moment instead of dwelling on anything else—thoughts, worries, regrets. The practice of mindfulness helps one to be aware of what is going on in the mind and body, and how one feels inside. When you are able to see your own mind patterns from a distance, you are better equipped to change them. There are many different ways that people practice mindfulness, but most will agree that it is the best way to get more serious about taking life less seriously.


2) Yoga- This ancient Hindu discipline has become popular in the Western world for its health benefits and the ability to tune out of daily distractions. It is helpful for those who feel overwhelmed by too much stimuli from everyday life or have trouble shutting off thoughts when they need a break from work. Yoga has many different styles and teachers, but all combine body movements, breathing, and meditation.

3) Prayer- Turning to a higher power for peace of mind can be very beneficial in times of stress. Prayer helps individuals to find clarity in chaos and helps them to find the right path. Although prayer comes in many different varieties, it is not necessary to belong to a religion or denomination that has specific prayer rituals or practices. Research shows that people who practice some form of spirituality or prayer are less stressed out than those who do not.

4) Laughter- Nothing beats a good sense of humor when it comes time for stress relief. Laughter can help to change the mood of a stressful moment and ease the tension. Laughter is very beneficial for ones health; it helps to improve circulation and can even boost the immune system.

5) Volunteering- Giving of one's time, energy, and resources to help others in need is a great way to feel selfless instead of selfish, which can help you let go of stress. Engaging in philanthropic activities is not only good for the soul; it is also good for physical and mental health.

Stress in everyday life is inevitable, but some people deal with it better than others. Learning how to cope with stress can make an individual more successful at work and at home, as well as happier overall.