What are the latest trends in technology? - letsdiskuss
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@student | Posted on | Science-Technology

What are the latest trends in technology?


@student | Posted on

Technology is what helps us grow and develop. This dynamic sector is so unpredictable that even the brightest minds cannot tell what would come up next. Every year a lot of inventions are made and trends are set. Let’s see some of the trends in this year.


# 5G : One of the most anticipated trend that everyone has been waiting for eagerly is the introduction of 5G internet in the market. After 4G was introduced, speed of internet connectivity increased manifold making people wonder what would happen with 5G. It is believed that 5G would increase the speed 10 times .

# Artificial Intelligence (AI): Every year sets a benchmark in the field of AI. With millions of invention every year and rapid growth this is one of the most sought after field of technology. It is believed that in 2019 we may be able to witness surgeries by robots. Along with the surgeries, machine learning will be a major part of business operations enabling them to escalate their performance.

# Virtual Reality : The development of the Virtual reality along with Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality will remain important. Last year saw a surge in demand for VR products with popular platforms like YouTube introducing them as well. This year the trend is said to be continued.

# Blockchain : Coming up with its new application for better collaboration of cryptocurrenc