What is Illuminati secret society and how to join it? - letsdiskuss
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Rohan Chauhan

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What is Illuminati secret society and how to join it?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

To give you the punch line before entering into any detail of what is the Illuminati: there's a good chance that Illuminati doesn't exist anymore. And even if it does, you can't join it!

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: soidergi)


"The order of the day is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them," The Society of the Enlightenment, by Richard Van Dulmen. This was one of the intents of this group… to prevent abuses of power, fight superstitions, stop religious influence over public life.

Although, today, the word "Illuminati" or "illuminaty" is tossed around casually, originally, it was 'Bavarian Illuminati'. Founded in 1776 in Bavaria (in Germany), the organization wasn't that "secret" back then.

illuminati-secret-society-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Salaah's Corner)

Due to their fundamental beliefs that opposed those in power, they were outlawed by the then-ruler Charles Theodore. The conservative groups disliked them. Even the Catholic Church was against the group, which played a massive role in their downfall between 1784 and 1790.

However, it is believed that the Illuminati continued functioning in the shadow, and it was then the "secret society" phrase got associated with their name. In fact, it is widely accepted that Illuminati highly influenced the French Revolution, which lasted for more than 10 years.

Ever since then the conspiracy theories have been on rife, claiming that Illuminati continued their work and grew across Europe, North America and then Asia. And today, with social media in its prime, such theories are more popular than ever.

It is believed that Illuminati, even till this day, continues to influence the world with their people playing key roles in different organizations, governments, and media houses. Many believe that they still control the world's events. (Some even suggests that the group has an influence in bringing Donald Trump to power.)

From Michael Jackson to John F. Kennedy, they are often associated with Illuminati. And many believe that after they started speaking against the group by resisting and arguing against power, they were killed by the people of their own group.

There are many celebrities and renowned leaders who are alleged to be Illuminati members. It includes names like Angelina Jolie, Beyonce, George Bush, Adolf Hitler, and Usain Bolt.

There are literally thousands of such conspiracy theories. Some seem legit with a proper explanation; the majority is absurd.

No one knows whether the Illuminati secret society exists or not. There are no details of their existence. If they do exist, they have done a fairly commendable job in keeping their identity hidden in this internet age when information slips easier than ever.

illuminati-secret-society-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Geek.com)

Maybe they do exist?

Maybe it's just a romanticism of people with conspiracy theories?

I mean, such theories sell big. Ask Dan Brown! So, anybody can market them in their work and make money. Because the people who are into such ideas, they will buy it.

So, again, to answer your question, Illuminati is a secret society that's alleged to control world events. Its existence is not confirmed. No one knows anything about it. So, if you’re wondering "how to join Illuminati", you can’t really join it.

Besides, why do you want to join such cult-like thing anyway?!


Marketing Manager | Posted on

Read Dan Brown's Angels and Demons to get some idea about this mysterious group.


As the term itself suggests, Illuminati is related to Enlightenment -a philosophy which was very popular in the 18th century Western Europe.

The birth and foundation of the group is credited to Germany. It was professor Adam Weishaupt who started the Bavarian Illuminati group, which was later associated with the Freemasons group.

Owing to the ideology of Enlightenment, the group's main aim was to control the functioning of the world by opposing clerical and monarchical institutions.

It is also said that this group was behind the beginning and success of the French Revolution.

The members of the society, however, are not known. It is said they are made to swear to secrecy, and are killed by their own members if they reveal anything about the group.

Yes, I am using the present tense for a reason here. Many believe that the group is still in existence and is behind all the big happenings taking place in the world. Many influential people are allegedly said to belong to this group. The names include highly successful stars like Jay Z, Beyonce, Kanye West, etc.

According to conspiracy theories, they have influential people in all the important organizations and institutions of the world and hence hold all the power to make the world work their way.

How much of this is true is unknown though. Contrary to all this, many believe that Illuminati were highly ambitious in their ideas but not so much in their actions. And this led to their disappearance.

So in popular culture they may exist only in fiction and conspiracy theories. And even if they are actually there, your knowledge about the group will mean your doom.