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Ruchika Dutta

Teacher | Posted on | others

What is the best compliment you have ever received?


Company secretary,MBA | Posted on

We all receive compliments, but one such excellent line that was told to me recently by my team member was “You are a leader, you are special.” Well, I never considered myself to be on top position or did I treat anyone strictly, therefore it came to be as a big surprise. But then when I asked her what made her think like that, she told me that she has worked with a lot of people but nobody helped her, and it was me who explained her mistakes and told her what was wrong.

I was so overwhelmed talking to her that I recalled what my parents used to tell me during my childhood – do well to all, and expect no good from all. I have always kept this in my mind and work in such a manner that I help every single person coming in my even. I was really glad to hear such good words from my team member, it was actually the best compliment that I have ever received in my life. Other common ones were good hair, pretty smile, and good looks. I got to know there are only few people who can actually see out inner self.
