What is the difference between a Facebook Page and a facebook Group? - letsdiskuss
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himanshu Singh

digital marketer | Posted on | Science-Technology

What is the difference between a Facebook Page and a facebook Group?


student | Posted on

A page is a public profile that allows companies and brands to introduce their services and activities. A group is a community-based feature that gathers people with the same interests to discuss topics and share their opinions.


digital marketer | Posted on

Difference between Facebook page and Facebook group

A Facebook page is a personal page that can be of any person, such as the Facebook page of a business, brand, leader, celebrity is always public, but people who post the page mean the person who owns the page. Only he can post on it.

The Facebook group which can be of any topic or anything, you can keep it both in a public-private way. Anyone can post in the Facebook group who will be a member of that group, you can also put privacy in your Facebook group it like post-approval And apply a lot of privacy.
