What’s the “kernel trick” and how is it useful? - letsdiskuss
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James D

Blogger | Posted on | Science-Technology

What’s the “kernel trick” and how is it useful?


Business Head at Kirati Kreations | Posted on

The kernel is basically a computer program that manages overall input & output requests from different software & finally translates them all into data processing guide for the central processing units & other hardware & electronic constituents of a computer system. The kernel is a main or fundamental part of hi-tech computer operating systems. The integral parts of the kernel are usually loaded into a protective zone of the memory.


The protected zone memory prevents overwriting by others & also prevents from less frequently used operating systems or applications. There are several exclusives of kernel computer programs & some of them are the kernel computer system performs certain tasks which include executing varying processes, handling major interruptions in the kernel space. Whatever a user does whether text editing, operating programs in the Graphic User Interface is done within the user space. This major separation presents both the user data as well as kernel data from interrupting with one another. This also prevents diminishing performance or damaging the system which leads to ultimate crashing of the same.