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Ashar Siddiqui

@letsuser | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

When was the last time you were disappointed in yourself?


System Engineer IBM | Posted on

If you have very high degrees of self-respect, disappointments with yourself don’t take long to hit you, and in various frequencies. Even a little clash, a tiny mistake, and a negligible misstep is enough to get you disappointed with yourself. This is the price you pay for being extremely hard on yourself. In such cases you are like:


The last time I was disappointed was for as little a thing as forgetting to put forth the strongest points of the argument I had prepared all night for my interview. In the heat of the discussion, and because of nervousness, I just uttered whatever struck my mind at the first place and forgot totally about what I had prepared.

I was so disappointed at myself, I was calling myself stupid every other second and even punished myself by not eating the whole day.