Blogger | Posted on | Science-Technology
Research | Posted on
The best app for new reading on iOS is Flipboard. This app canshows content from social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn et.c You can decide the accounts you want to connect and also choose from the content categories like technology, design, business and politics.
Then there are other apps like Zite, Pulse, Circa. These apps are also good for iOS.
It depends on a user also, the kind of content preferred by a person.
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@letsuser | Posted on
Each knapp is a publication investigation introduced in a novel 5W1H (What, Why, When, Where, Who, How) system, where we foresee your inquiries and answer them in an organization that can without much of a stretch be devoured. In a couple of swipes, you can go from nearly nothing or zero information to having a balanced comprehension of any point.
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Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on
There are so many news Apps available in the Google play store and apple app store. Even News Apps are available in our Indian languages. I will give you the best news apps for IOS and Android phones according to their installs .
For Android -
Google News - It is the most downloaded news app for Android phones. Google news gives you briefings, detailed news , and news related to your place of living. It is very fast and accurate. Most useful news app. It is also available for IOS.
TOI - This app is from Times of India group. Pioneer in news and magazine world. Very reliable and accurate without any fake news. It is a free app for Android.
BBC news - We know the reputation of BBC and its news coverage. You can blindly download this app from Google play for Android phones.
TOI - Times of India group's app for IOS. It is second most favourable app for news after Twitter news.
In shorts - Inshorts is a news app for apple IOS that selects latest and best news from all over the world and summerises and presents you in 60 words or less. If you want briefs of happenings around the world, In shorts is best for you.
Daily hunt - Formerly known as News Hunt is best for both Android and IOS . It is second most downloaded app after Google news.
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