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Sumil Yadav

| Posted on | Education

Who introduced IIT, IIM, and UGC in India?


B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on

It’s the same person whose birthday is celebrated as National Education System on 11th of November every year. The person is called Maulana Abul Kalaam Azad and he was the first education minister of the independent India.


Maulana Abul Kalaam Azad was a personality whose life and achievements are worth knowing. As a significant member of the cabinet of Jawahar Lal Nehru, he brought many important changes in Indian education system, and one of the most notable ones was that of the introduction of IIT, IIM and UGC in India.

Maulana Abul Kalaam Azad was born on 11th November 1888 in Saudi Arabia and his real name was Abul Kalaam Gulaam Mohiuddin Ahmad. He participated in Indian freedom struggle as a leader, and was also a writer and a journalist.


His early education was primarily Islamic, and later he was tutored by his own father and other educators at home only. A polyglot, he had a thorough knowledge of Western philosophy, history, and politics as well.

After acquiring most of his education till 16 years of age, Maulana Azad travelled to many countries like Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, and Afghanistan, where he met many revolutionaries struggling to strengthen the governance in their own respective countries. This ignited the light of revolutionary feelings in him as it took a great spark during Indian independence struggle. He opposed the formation of Pakistan vehemently, and published many journals against British governance in India.

As the first education minister of the country, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad contributed a lot making Indian education system one of the best in the world. IIT, IIM, and UGC are the most coveted educational qualifications which are even valued outside the country.