who proposed theory of Evolution? - letsdiskuss
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Vanisha Anand

CONTENT WRITER | Posted on | Science-Technology

who proposed theory of Evolution?


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All living things change over time, according to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, which states that these changes are caused by four distinct factors:
1) heredity (also known as genetics),
2) an organism's living environment, and
3) mutations (or random variation)
4) Reproduction through sexual means
Extinct animal fossils that are lacking in levels below where they are located support his theory, indicating that animals evolved over time to be different from what they were previously.



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Evolution is the change in the characteristics of species of several generations and it is also referred to as it is the change in all forms of life over generations. Charles Darwin proposed the term theory of evolution by natural selection.Charles Darwin is responsible for the theory of evolution we study today. Charles Darwin is known as father of Evolution.Charles Darwin wrote in his book called origin of evolution.