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Ajay Kumar

Article writer, SEO Executive | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Why is the price of human life so cheap in INDIA?


Assistant professor ( Finance & Marketing) & Admission Councellor | Posted on


There is no cost of human life in India. Every day thousands of people fall victim of death. From poor law to dirty politics the social media is flooded with news buzz. Even festivals are not safe to be celebrated, In recent news during the time of Dussehra.

A speeding train runs over hundreds of festive revelers standing on the railway track in a populated locality of the city of Amritsar where a renewed personality was the chief guest who just ran away saving their own life. In most other countries, such an instance could be imagined not as a reality but only as a scene from a horror movie. Politicians ruins the feeling and emotions of the people who lost their death during such tragic incidence by only allotting certain sum of money to their families, either oppositions do blame game rather than taking proper investigations and necessary steps towards the causalities. It is so easy to declare death amount of money for the soldiers who are kept losing their lives on border to protect the nation, rather than making availability of the jobs for their family members government plays its dirty politics. No one is responsible for such incidents in our country its we the people of India.

Crowd behavior is quite different from individual behavior people are becoming heartless and emotionless. When they are in a crowd, a large number of law-abiding and rational people begin to follow the law-breaking and odd behavior of a small number of people.

 INDIA- letsdiskuss

Major accidents, particularly the man-made ones, should be treated as case studies by administrative agencies to draw lessons that help prevent their recurrence. Students should be taught in schools and colleges with these case studies and made aware of what is happening in our country.

India is probably much lower than the value placed by countries like Sweden, United Kingdom, Netherlands or Singapore where deaths due to accidents, human error or crowd mismanagement are very few.

If we look at the number of death rate in India the recent survey shows that more than 1,40,000 people are killed every year due to either road accident, suicides, natural calamities etc.

Road accidents are common in India, often due to poor driving or badly maintained roads and vehicles. Experts blame poorly designed roads.

A report released by India's ministry of road transport says:

• 146,133 people were killed in road accidents in India in 2015, up from 139,671 in 2014

• There were 501,423 road accidents in 2015 - or 1,374 accidents every day - up from 489,400 in 2014

• 500,279 people were injured in road accidents in 2015, up from 493,474 in 2014

• 400 road deaths take place every day on India's roads

13 states, including Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Uttar Pradesh, accounted for more than 80% of all road accidents and fatalities

Nearly eight in ten accidents were caused by drivers, with 62% of those blamed on speeding.

Transport minister Nitin Gadkari said there is an "urgent need" to improve road infrastructure as the numbers showed road accidents were one of the single biggest causes of death in India.

"Human life is given by god we people have no right to end , life is cheap for the people these days but its hard to live. We need to respect the gift God has given to us not by nurturing our own but towards the others also".


SEO at SEO For Google | Posted on

Let me explain. The gross domestic product at purchasing power parity per capita, (GDP per capita PPP), puts India at the 144th position out of 195 countries.

What does that mean?

Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, is the sum total of all goods and services produced by a nation.

GDP per capita, refers to the the GDP divided by the total population of the country.

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is the normalization of an economic indicator by taking into account the differences in true value of the money. Basically, a cup of tea in India is say Rs. 5, v/s 60 cents (Rs. 30) in the US. PPP accounts for this.

So, GDP per capita PPP gives you the monetary average that you can assign to a person's life.

Now, on top of all of this, consider the income disparity that exists. Mr. Mukesh Ambani lives in the costliest home on the planet, while 10kms from the same residence is one of the world's largest slums. Where does that leave us? That leaves us with an even smaller fraction of the original amount as the 'real' average value of a life.

But you may say, Rohan, this is bull-*****. Life is not about money, there is a lot more to it. And while I will partially agree to it, the fact remains that a stranger's life, with whom the only common link you share is the random location on this planet you were born, is nothing you would bother yourself with.

It's all Economics 101. When India grows as an economy, all members of it play a greater part on the global scale. And since the economy is more inter-linked that it ever was, the bigger the player, the more valuable he/she becomes. The more valuable they become, the more valuable becomes their life.

There are no poor, sufficiently large countries where life is valuable. Look up the rankings on wikipedia and you'll know.