Why Learn Spanish? - letsdiskuss
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Why Learn Spanish?


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If I ever get a chance to learn Spanish, it will be primarily to read the works of Pablo Neruda in the original. Besides this one reason, there are many others for which you can learn Spanish as a second language.

So first of all, let’s discuss the advantages of learning any second language.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Real Fast Spanish)

According to various medical reports, learning a second language improves memory, decision-making skills and makes a person multitasking. Learning a second language is not just fun, but also delays the effects of dementia as one ages.

Now let’s talk about Spanish specifically, starting straight with facts. Spanish is the official language in over 20 countries around the globe. Over 400 million people all over the world use Spanish as their first language.

This means that the language has wide usage, making Spanish a language which is respected and understood all over. So if you learn Spanish, Why Learn Spanish it will help you in many opportunities abroad enhancing your work, travel and living experience abroad.

If we look from the point of view of earnings and career opportunities, the language opens up many new options for you as it is very much in demand all over. So increase in earning potential and opening up of different career opportunities are the added perks of learning Spanish.

The knowledge of Spanish now does not only help us professionally but intellectually as well. There is a vast sea of literature and other sources of art and entertainment waiting for you to be consumed in its original language. That can only be done if you are acquainted with Spanish culture, which itself is a part of learning the Spanish language.

In addition to all this, learning Spanish is fun, and it is very easy to find the language learning sources like podcasts, audiobooks, news, music, sports, etc. in the language, making the learning of it quite easy.

You can learn it very easily and gain some knowledge about other European romance languages like French, Catalan, etc as they are somewhat related to Spanish.