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Varun Paatni

Self Employed | Posted on | others

Can we state that Water is wet?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Not exactly!

I mean, when talking broadly, sure you can call water wet. So many people do that!

However, when talking technically, water – or any liquid for that matter – isn’t wet per se. It is a wetting agent.

For instance, when in solid form, do you call ice as “dry water”? Or, when it has evaporated, do you call that as “dried water”?

Certainly not!

Water isn’t wet. It has the wetting capacity. If you touch it, your fingers get wet. Wetness is more of an experience.

(Courtesy: Chemistry World)

Rainwater isn’t wet. It has the wetting capacity. This is why when you get drenched, you say “I got wet in the rain”. You don’t say “I got wet in the wet rain”, do you?

In short, water is something that makes other things wet. It itself isn’t wet.
If you’re looking for some term to define it, you can state water as slippery.

Hope this answered your question!!


Director | Posted on

This is some how a questionable point or issue, yet I will answer this in the most legitimate and philosophical method for understanding this idea. It ought to be an easy decision to the reality you would trust water is wet, on the grounds that the human personality translates it's surroundings utilizing presumptions and even can be demonstrated as a criminological certainty that the human personality thinks something is valid, regardless of whether it isn't valid by experience or suppositions. Making view of the human personality flawed. In any case, that is the point at which a discussion to make sense of if something is valid or not, sprung forward a philosophical discussion among mankind. Presently this might be the situation, I can enable you to comprehend by far from being obviously true terms that oversees such an inquiry.


student | Posted on

Being a fluid, water can't wet, however can make other strong materials wet. Wetness is the capacity of a fluid to hold fast to the outside of a strong, so when we state that something is wet, we imply that the fluid is adhering to the outside of a material.