Engineer,IBM | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance
Entrepreneur | Posted on
I personally think Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) would play one of the backbones in transferring rural areas into semi-urban. While its stocks are currently not doing pretty great in the market, I believe that in the long run it would sustain, grow and deliver big returns to the investors.
Over the course of few years, we have already seen REC undertake big projects and deliver equally big results. And with the 5-year ambitious plans it has currently outlined, we might see bigger things.
Besides its past, present and future plans, it’s quite a no-brainer in a country like India where rural areas are all geared up to be transformed and be better, a company like REC that promotes rural electrification projects would only do good.
So, if you’re looking to invest in REC stocks, find a nice entry position and make your purchase soon. It would add big weight to your portfolio.
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