How can you properly design an integrated sales and marketing platform? - letsdiskuss
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How can you properly design an integrated sales and marketing platform?


Digital Marketer | Posted on

To design integrated sales and marketing platform you need to acquire people, technology and processes. Moreover, you also need to make your marketing team aware. You need to know in advance about the leads to be nurtured and the process of segmentation and leads to get to the sales team. It is very essential to learn proper marketing channels and content for marketing.

Process of plan integration

Through this process, you will understand about systems that are already present and how they are used. You have to see if lead management, as well as marketing automation, is aligned properly or not.

Setting plans
You have to set monthly and quarterly goals beforehand and also stay aware of departmental KPIs. It is also essential to define a quality lead and learn specific situation which can cause hindrance in the proper working of marketing as well as
sales teams.

Internal notification
The sales team needs to get a notification when MQL is generated. This process will allow timely outreach and increase sales. For this reason, you need to undertake the services of marketing automation.

Lead scoring and Communication
With lead scoring, you can measure engagement as well as sales readiness, thus establish a system for lead scoring and focus on the big picture. You have to communicate with prospects through email, SMS, campaigns, etc.