How to get a credit card? - letsdiskuss
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How to get a credit card?


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It is important to keep a few factors in mind while applying for a credit card. Most important of these factors, checked by different financial institutions, must be understood before learning how to get a credit card.

Credit score: This 3-digit number depicts the credit repayment habit of an applicant. A score of 750 or above is generally considered a creditworthy score by financial institutions since it indicates that the individual is more likely to make timely repayments.

Income amount & source:The amount of money earned by an applicant is checked by financial institutions to decide the credit card(s) they are eligible for. Additionally, sources of income and employment details are also checked to judge their credibility.

Existing loans: Existing loans and their repayment details are financial liabilities of an applicant. These are checked to understand if the applicant can pay their credit card bills along with their other liabilities.

Potential applicants should consider these above factors before they go ahead with an application. While understanding how to get a credit card, applicants must first log on to the official website of their card issuer. Once logged in, the application procedure requires complete personal and financial details. Note that you may be required to submit certain documents personally to successfully apply and avail the card.