How social media is changing the way people commit crimes? - letsdiskuss
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gadiya swamy

SEO at SEO For Google | Posted on | Science-Technology

How social media is changing the way people commit crimes?


BBA in mass communication | Posted on

I’m not sure you are not unaware of the Momo challenge which took a thousand of lives. I’m also sure that you know the kind of freedom Social media has given us these days.

Social media has not only changed the way we communicate. It has also changed (and enhanced) the way crimes are committed, and it is not only about the cyber-crime. We all know what a great influencers social media platforms are, and this accounts for both positive and negative influence it leaves on its users.


Rivalries are often formed and taken to new levels over social media as it concentrates the situation only to magnify it. A report tells us how Baltimore police have research analysts all over social media searching it on regular basis for the information of crimes. So if the police are obliged to use social media for solving the crimes, it means that people are using it for committing crimes as well.
We all are well acquainted with crimes like revenge-porn, and fake calls and accounts seeking our personal information. With the help of social media, being conned has become a whole lot easier. The cases of harassment and thefts have also reached new levels with the help of social media.

With social media platforms like Facebook, identity theft has been a major issue, and risk has also been sensed with other platforms like Instagram and Twitter. Kim Kardashian’s being robbed due to her excessive “visibility” on social media is a major example of how we are always under surveillance and vulnerable to crime when we are connected to social media.


Blogger | Posted on

It's an intriguing inquiry, and one to which I don't believe there's an immovable answer. Furthermore, it truly separates into two sections — what effect does the media have on wrongdoing (and apparently on the capacity of law implementation to settle wrongdoing); and what effect does the media have on our view of wrongdoing?

In the primary classification, I would state it's insignificant, and generally adjusted between being sure and negative. The media can quickly spread updates on a wrongdoing, including portrayals of the culprit (which are as precise as the data as they get from the cops) and accepting that they stick to an expert code of morals and forgo theorizing, metaphor, and so forth., there is an opportunity to assume a job that is steady with the media's essential obligation of keeping the open educated, and still be valuable in helping the network become more secure. For example, I'm considering Richard Ramirez, the "Night Stalker" sequential executioner, who was trapped in a true resident's capture decisively in light of the fact that his picture and story were on each californium paper and TV communicate in 1985. In different cases, nonetheless, a criminal can get monstrous fulfillment from seeing his violations provided details regarding TV, and others can get the plan to leave on copycat wrongdoings.


Freelance Technical Editor and Proofreader | Posted on

Chat made thru Social Media can be encrypted. Mostly, crimes are done through the exchange of private messages that cannot be traced and can be protected.