What does tossing a salad mean? - letsdiskuss
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Aditya Singla

Marketing Manager (Nestle) | Posted on | Food-Cooking

What does tossing a salad mean?


Blogger | Posted on

Initially Answered: What do individuals mean by "prepare my plate of mixed greens"? It is a sexual expression or slang term alluding to "Rimming" or utilizing your tongue to delight, lick, *****, tickle, etc the edge around the rear-end.


digital marketer | Posted on

Instead of swishing across the massive fork to your salad bowl, or in any other case mangle the sensitive lettuce, you need to carry and toss the salad to make certain that dressing is frivolously dispensed. I recommend putting in the heavier vegetables first, then the lighter vegetables (lettuce, spinach and so on) on top, and then drizzle at the dressing. From there, take the big forks or salad tongs, and working from the lowest, gently toss the salad so the dressing (and possibly feta or other cheese) is mixed properly with the vegetables.

Always use a condiment and practice secure salad.