Have you ever bought something because it was fashionable? If so, what? - letsdiskuss
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Alessia Fernandez

Blogger | Posted on | Entertainment

Have you ever bought something because it was fashionable? If so, what?


fashion analyst | Posted on

Being a fashion freak, I have done this many times, and have learned my lessons. Once I bought a Calvin Klein watch which was quite fashionable and coveted at that time but regretted my decision later.


Please know that fashionable stuff is temporary and will lose its value with time. So now I like going or classic stuff rather than fashionable stuff.

Speaking from my own experience, being classy and having your own unique individual style is better than being a fashion victim and keep changing yourself with time. It may look cool for some time but in a long run, it is really not good.

I have seen women always carrying saree or salwar kameez looking better than the ones who attempt to change themselves with each fashion that is surfacing on the minds of the general public.

So my understanding says that you just have to be stylish and fashionable in your own way and buy only those items that suit your taste and personality. It is the only way of never going out of style.