what is operating system? - letsdiskuss
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Vanisha Anand

CONTENT WRITER | Posted on | Science-Technology

what is operating system?


worker | Posted on

operating system is interface between computer hardware component and its user. Every computer system has atleast one operating system to run the programs. The OS helps to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language. It is not possible to user use computer or mobile phone without operating system. The general motors research lab implemented the first OS system in 1950s for their IBM 701


student | Posted on

An interface between the computer hardware components and the users. It's a software. Each and every computer must have an OS so that other programs run soundly. Ms office, browsers and games are some of the applications which need an environment to perform their task and OS gives them the same environment which is needed. It is not possible for every user to know the computer language and understand it, so PS helps to decode the language for the users and make the computer useful.
