What is meant by Peeling skin? How to prevent it? - letsdiskuss
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Mesotherapist | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is meant by Peeling skin? How to prevent it?


Makeup artist at Jawed Habib | Posted on

Peeling of the skin, just to let you know, is a healthy sign. Peeling is how your body repairs the damaged cells on the surface of the skin. You don’t have to worry if your skin is peeling as the new one will grow eventually. In fact, you should be indifferent to it as it is just helping your skin in its healing process. It happens every time you get a scratch, cut, or burn on your skin.

The peeling, however, can be itchy and uncomfortable. And it can make matters worse if you don’t handle it properly.

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Here are some steps to prevent this from happening:

• Use Aloe Vera and moisturizer. It will save your skin from getting dry. It also reduces the risk of sunburn which is a contributory factor in the peeling of the skin.

• Staying hydrated also helps the body from inside to stay moisturized and hence prevent the peeling of the skin.

• If the peeling skin is getting sore and painful, then try anti-inflammatory pain reliever. Anti-inflammatory creams can also help.

• Don’t scratch unnecessarily.

• Don’t use overly hot or cold water on the skin.

• Adding baking soda in bathing water also helps.

• Applying honey or menthol cream on the skin also prevents it from peeling.