what is narration? - letsdiskuss
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Vanisha Anand

CONTENT WRITER | Posted on | Education

what is narration?


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Narration means to narrate is to tell a story to the audience. Narratives provide human interest, entertainment and generates curiosity. Narration is conveyed by the narrator. It is a way to support the main idea. A good narration presents the events in clear order, according to when they happened. It also referred to narrative perspective. There can also be more than 1 narrator in the single story. The plot of a narrative carries a point.


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The utilization of a written, spoken or a perspective to communicate a story to the audience is known as narration. A narrator, a distinct person or unnamed literary voice created by the story's creator to communicate information to the audience, notably about the storyline, delivers narration. The definition of narration is basically "the act of telling a story" or "the act of describing something". For example:

  1. “His voice boomed as he narrated his life”
  2. “I took him on the tour and narrated our destination”
  3. “She narrated her story with pictures on the wall behind her.
