What all did Narendra Modi tell about himself in his recent interview with Akshay Kumar? - letsdiskuss
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Aditya Singla

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What all did Narendra Modi tell about himself in his recent interview with Akshay Kumar?


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In this hyperactive political atmosphere when all the politicians are busy in their election campaigns, Narendra Modi, very surprisingly, took out some time to give an interview, not to any journalist or eminent media person, but to the Bollywood actor, Akshay Kumar. Of course, the interview was a far cry from the politically charged interviews that the public would have been expecting in these times.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Livemint)

Narendra Modi’s choice (if it was that) was very safe. Akshay Kumar, being an actor, is devoid of the caliber to indulge the PM in a political argument. So Modi was safe to tell all about his life, which will only project him in a positive light. He told that it was his childhood dream to go in the Army. But the financial condition of his family was not good enough to support his dream.

Narendra Modi was an open book during the interview telling everything about his personal and apolitical life. He discussed his habit of deficit sleep and that he did not live with his family. He also told that he has no attachment for his family now. He told Akshay Kumar that he is in favor of a disciplined lifestyle right from the start. Also that it’s a part of his behavior to speak less.

He also told that he likes to dress up appropriately which people mistake as style. Telling about his past life, he said that he didn’t have a bank account until he became an MLA. Even his salary account was opened only after that.

This non-political interview is quite viral on the internet and social media these days.