What causes discontentment in life? - letsdiskuss
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Dhawani Singh

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What causes discontentment in life?


Healer, writer | Posted on

The fact that you ask that question tells me you are discontented, with what, you can't clearly define. You think it is life, but you are not sure. Because if you are discontented, you can't be very “busy”, and can hardly be asking, what causes discontentment in life. You see it is a “luxury” of the idle mind to be discontented.
First off, if you were suffering real material deprivation of basic needs like food, shelter, and clothing, you would have no time at all to be discontented. Simply because you’re every waking minute will be “invested” in “fulfilling” these absolute basic needs. When it comes to contentment, have you got there now? Have you reached your destination of contentment? Most certainly not, as you fulfill the basic needs, human nature drives you to “want” more, desire more, and chase more and your contentment hangs on the success at fulfilling those greater wants and desires. And the cycle goes on and on.
So will you ever reach a stage where nothing causes discontentment in life? That is a choice you have to make. If your contentment lies in or is dependent on a constant seeking of contentment it is never really attained. You see contentment is a “state of being”, with which you have a choice to choose. You can choose to be happy or unhappy, unconditionally, and not subject to the fulfilling of any desires or avarice. So when you base your contentment on the attainment of contentment per se, a constant state of discontentment will prevail.